Tuesday 4 May 2010

Tan Zuoren (:譚作人)

Tan Zuoren’s trial was grossly unfair and disregarded China's criminal procedure lawHan dömdes för att ha publicerat kritik mot CCP och regimen på webplatser.
Ett försvarsvittne, artisten Ai Weiwei, blev misshandlad och bortförd efter rättegången.

Låt oss tillsammans urholka stenen genom att ställa frågor till Kinas Ambassad i Stockholm: protocol@chinaembassy.se

Eftersom vi inte ännu fått några svar cc:ar vi nu också till:
National People's Congress Standing Committee på
Minister of Justice of the People's Republic of China på pfmaster@legalinfo.gov.cn

T ex:
Dear Embassy of the People's Republic of China.
Tan Zuoren (:譚作人) was 9th of February 2010 convicted to five Years in prison by Chengdu City Intermediate People's Court for criticizing the Chinese Communist Party and the government through his articles and diaries posted on-line and on overseas websites.
One of the defense witnesses, internationally acclaimed artist Ai Weiwei, was beaten and illegally detained by individuals in uniform claiming to be police for hours until after the trial ended.
Please inform his whereabouts.
Please inform when he will be given a fair trial according to the international standards China has approved.
Kind Regards

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